Always on the hunt for good-sized fish, we have long equipped our spearguns with slip tips. While slip tips once were the best way to keep a fish on the line, they require a specialized, expensive shaft.
In 2022, we launched the production of PROTIR: the ONLY ADAPTABLE DETACHABLE SYSTEM on all classic shafts, It is less expensive and just as efficient as a slip tip. Accessible to all levels of spearfishers.
No matter the size and type of speargun on which it is installed, one thing is certain: it is AWESOME on all fish!
We are convinced that you will adopt it.
Splicing is done by hand here in our workshop specifically to order. The new 400kg dyneema now replaces the 200 kg dyneema Steel cable assembly is now available.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.